As every fashion-forward diva or hipster knows, one of the most important things about starting a new day is what you’re going to WEAR.
Getting dressed before school was always one of the hardest things when I was little. There was a point at which my mother told me that I had to get my outfits together the night before because I was so meticulous and particular about what I had on for the day.
Surprisingly, not much has changed with me since I was a kid. Even at military college when I had a uniform, I had to have it out that night, prepped and ready, before the next morning formation.
As a mother, I want to let you in on a simple little secret today about dressing your kids for school – no matter what age! What is it? Read on, Dear Friends.

Our family has been putting on the Ephesians 6:10-18’s “Armor of God” for years every day before school. Sometimes my kids will even pray it and place it over me when it’s a tough morning!
We go from top to bottom because it was the easiest way for five-year-old Man-Cub to learn it when he was just a Baby-Cub so many years ago! (We actually pretended to go through putting on each item as we went.) I’ve done this with Lil B, too, so now we get to share it with you.
Putting On The Armor of God
- Give praise and thanks to Jesus for this day that He made.
- “Put on the Helmet of Salvation – guard our minds and thoughts.”
- “Put on the Breastplate of Righteousness – guard our hearts, emotions, and attitudes.”
- “Put on the Belt of Truth – Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no one comes to the Father except through the Son.” (from John 14:6)
- “Fit our Feet with the Readiness that comes from the Gospel of Peace – to run away from evil and beeline towards God, and to stand on the firm foundation of Christ.”
- “Lift up our Shield of Faith – to extinguish the flaming arrows and the lies of the enemy that come every day.”
- “And finally, use the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.” (This is where my kids “Give me a sword!” and say one of the Bible verses they are working to memorize.)
And with that, I say, “Go get’em, Tiger!”, get a hug and a kiss, and send them off fully #Dressed4School and whatever the world wants to throw at us today. They may have forgotten to match their socks or change their underwear, but at least they are fully clothed in Christ.

Do you have BEST PRACTICES for your kids? We’d love to hear from you! SHARE them in the comments.
For more related articles, CLICK on Scriptures4Students, Lessons4Life, Dressed4School, School Supply by Jake Greving On Your Mark, Get Set, GO!! by Karen Dennis, Christian Parenting by Allison Harris, Another Day by Anna, Soundbites: The Not-So Tweetables, and Christ in Education by Jake Greving.
In case you missed it on social media, check out our funny antics for the “First Day of School” video on YouTube:
I’m so “happy” for school to start! Thank you, Teachers and Administration, for all you do. Please “Like” and SHARE!