Take a deep breath. I have something to share with you today.

You make an impact in this world. You make someone’s heart so happy. Your gifts—WHO you ARE—are so beautiful to the Bride of Christ and how you add to this world.
Some of you are letting fear hold you back from being who you were created to be.
Your voice is vital, your testimony a treasure. What God has placed inside you needs to see the light of day. He planted the seed for it to grow and bear fruit.
Maybe ONE PERSON needs to read, see, hear, or experience the gift you have wrapped up and buried deep. Open it up and share it others to be inspired, encouraged, strengthened, emboldened, and set free. Who knows what God will do with it or what God will do with you.
Is this message a little frightening to read? Some fear the greatness that comes with being a child of God, that he might show them the incomparable riches that come with his grace. Are you afraid of success… or afraid of failure?
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
(Ephesians 2:8-10)
Friends, there are things for every one of us to do to hasten Christ’s return! Don’t let fear hold you back from being God’s masterpiece.
We don’t do things to earn God’s love.
We do things because we have God’s love.
No matter where you are in your calling, from teaching, writing, or influencing millions to praying over a single baby and changing hundreds of diapers, release the fear and rebuke the lies of the devil. Instead, trust and believe Jesus for everything; that’s key.
Only by the blood of Jesus… THAT is how we fulfill our calling.
Not sure why I wrote that but I just knew it had to get out of me!! Maybe the message was only for me…
Or, WAS it for you?
Perhaps it was also for that friend needing encouragement today. Could you be brave and share this with them?
For more posts like this one, read #thehazardsofbeinghuman, Gum Wall, Running On “E”, and Hold On.