I can’t get it all done. It’s just one of those days.
Wait. It seems like I have seasons like this. There’s too much on my plate and too many plates spinning at the same time. (Did I just mix metaphors?)
There are days I just feel overwhelmed. How about you?
Boss #1 needs X but Boss #2 is requesting Y, my husband has asked me to help with G&F, the kids need A, B and C and I need to run D over to the school. Did I just get a text that Friend M has just gone into panic mode? When was the last time I called my mom or sister? Have I written for TCGW yet–have I edited? Does the post totally stink? Speaking of stink, have I cleaned the coop lately? We’re out of eggs (the girls aren’t laying) and I have to get to the store before dinner…gotta feed those youngin’s…
There are so many things to get done, too many people to please.
My name is Leigh Mackenzie and I’m a people-pleaser.
Does this sound familiar? Anyone?
Note to Self: “You will never please all the people all the time.”
(Didn’t someone famous say that?)
Just ask Jesus…
Savior Jesus:
It wasn’t enough that He healed and fed and prayed and taught people, or that He cast out demons and raised people from the dead. But people always wanted more. They kept following Him, hoping to see the next magic show, waiting for the next miracle. And so, in John 6, Jesus taught about the Bread of Life. Almost everyone left because it was too hard of a teaching to be able to follow Jesus through it. They wanted what He was giving but they wanted it on THEIR terms.
Contrast Servant Jesus:
He is praying to His Father close to the end of His time on this earth and we read about it in John 17.
“I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do.” (John 17:4, NIV)
He thanks God that He has done the work that the Father has appointed Him to do…no more, no less. The crowds may have been loud, the demands urgent, people were grabbing at Him from every side, but He finished the work the Father gave Him.
Something’s always struck me when reading this line of Scripture. In His time here on earth,
Jesus was a rock star prioritizer.
How? How did He do it?
We know how Jesus did it from John 5:19.
“Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.”
Check it out:
Jesus listened to God.
He served on God’s terms, not His own.

Thankfully, God isn’t like man. His terms are pretty amazing:
- confess with your mouth that Jesus is the Christ and the Son of the Living God,
- accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior,
- get yourself baptized, being buried with the Savior in His death, raised with Him to life,
and then,
- follow Jesus.
That’s it. Those are the terms.
In His Word, Jesus tells us His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
I believe Him.
God is not an endless slavedriver, whipping us for not doing this and chastising us for failing that. He’s not lengthening the lists of things we need to get done to please Him. He doesn’t dangle carrots of temptation in front of us, laugh that we were dumb enough to take the bait, and then torment us with guilt when we’ve capitulated to it. No, Friends. That’s always the enemy.
Jesus forgives our sin. He was willing to die at Calvary for it. His purpose to draw all men to Himself was bigger than the pain of the crucifixion. To bring us salvation diminished any distraction–angry crowds, angry leadership, betrayals, denials, beatings, scourging, the humiliation of the Cross.
Jesus loves us and He is faithful even when we aren’t. He serves us on God’s holy terms – as the perfect sacrifice for once and for all and compassionate high priest now and forever – not on our fleshly and flawed offerings. For this I am so thankful.

I know I need to be a God-pleaser this year but sometimes I’m just clueless how to begin. I become like a little child lost in the crowd of expectations and demands, being pushed around by comparison and wanting the affirmation of others. I forget the basics and just need Jesus to take me by the hand and lead me back home.
As I reach up to Him, I remember. Listen for God’s still small voice more closely, Child. Seek Me. Shut out all the urgent, demoralizing, demanding voices in life and in your head, the ones that are usually the loudest. Go off in search of your Savior, Little One. I will be found by you.
Clinging to God’s Word, searching for Him in prayer and petition with thanksgiving, watching for His Holy Spirit, and worshiping the King of kings, the noise of this world is suddenly far away. His voice only gets stronger as He whispers and I come into communion with the presence of the Holy One.
My purpose becomes clear. Light shines on the path in front of me. I remember Who it is that I serve – Jesus, not man. I’m not overwhelmed; my Spirit settles. I may not get everything done that’s on the list for the day but I will get done what God has placed in front of me for the moment: pleasing and honoring Him.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord… (Jeremiah 29:11-14, emphasis mine)
Lord, help me seek you with all of my heart. Quiet my soul. Let me sit at Your feet and breathe, knowing that You love me to the fullest extent no matter what I do. Let there be #JesusInEverything I do and think.