We do our best to bring “Jesus in Everything” to our own children, don’t we? The market agrees: There are a ton of great resources for Christian parents out there. One search online can yield more than 25 million hits.
In the past few weeks I’ve posted Scriptures4Students, Lessons4Life, and Dressed4School in an effort to share any wisdom or blessings God has bestowed on our family. I hope these were practical and helpful for you or sparked your imagination of what you can do for your own family.

Along with Dobson’s “Family Talk” on Focus on the Family, the resources of RightNOW Media, MOPS (Mother Of PreSchoolers – awesome group that blessed me immensely when J was little), and the YouVersion Bible app (did you know it can READ to you?), there are so many wonderful books, apps, blogs, podcasts, devos, Bible studies, and websites. I was curious what other people around me were using, though. So I asked you (and learned a ton!). Here’s what I found:
- STREETLIGHTS app: One of my new favorites right now is “Streetlights”, an app I just dig because my Lil B enjoys cool voices of people with different backgrounds going through books of the Bible with an awesome soundtrack. Cool enough to play on your car stereo…with the windows down! #streetcred (Any age.)
What to do during Drive Time, Meal Time, and Bed Time? Parent Cue to the rescue! - Parent Cue app: So many friends said they LOVED this app! When I checked it out, I instantly fell in love with the graphics and streamlined look created by Reggie Joiner, Jon Acuff, and Kristen Ivy of “ORANGE”. (How did I miss this one?) Customizable for each child by age, it’s designed to help you “do something this week to help you child move toward a deeper faith and a better future” and includes a blog, podcast, bookstore, and weekly email encouragement. You can also follow Parent Cue page on Facebook. (Any age.)
- The Bible Project: Who doesn’t love some good animation? Starting in 2014, Tim Mackie and Jon Collins began releasing engaging, relatable, and transformative FREE teaching videos of MOST of the Bible. There have a few ongoing projects as they are finishing but these guys have series, themes, and word studies, too. The High Level Visual in me seriously GEEKs OUT with this site. Click thebibleproject.com to go to the site and click “Holy” to watch a word study. (Any age.)
- Sticky Faith by Dr. Kara E. Powell and Fuller Youth Institute: Multiple people recommended this. Sticky Faith is “a ministry framework and parenting philosophy backed by practical and proven ideas to help develop long-term faith in teenagers.” Integrating the latest research and based on Intergenerational Relationships, Whole Gospel in partnership with Families, “Sticky Faith” advocates a safe place for teens to voice their concerns and questions about faith. “Doubt is not toxic to faith; silence is.” (https://fulleryouthinstitute.org/stickyfaith) (Ages 10-18)
- Answers in Genesis: As a former homeschool parent, I adore AIG for all of it’s solid biblical teaching about the harder questions in faith. “An apologetics ministry dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively,” they “focus on providing answers to questions about the Bible—particularly the book of Genesis—regarding key issues such as creation, evolution, science, and the age of the earth.” Their magazine is worth its weight in gold; I’ve heard the museum in Ohio is amazing. Loved this especially when smartypants students wanted to refute God’s Word with “scientific evidence”! (https://answersingenesis.org/) (Any age.)
- The Purity Code by Jim Burns: Tackles the tough and sensitive issues of sexuality to prepare teens for their adolescent years, instilling godly values about sex, their body, and relationships. Recommended by our youth pastor’s wife, Katie. Find it on Amazon. (Ages 8 to 14.)
- Connected Families by Jim and Lynne Jackson: “Your guide to peace and connection at home.” Ever wanted parental coaching combined with solid encouraging emails and a blog? Check out this one. My GG Amy M. swears by it. (Any age.)
What are YOUR suggestions? We’d all love to hear from you about what you are passionate about that helped you as a parent. Please comment below!