#moreHimlessmeThe word “EFFECTIVE“ became underlined, bolded, color-coded and italicized as I prayed for direction from the Lord at the beginning of the year. I always have known the point of my speaking and writing journey is to magnify Christ and encourage others to do so as well. It is THE reason we have been posting encouragement every Tuesday and Friday morning without fail (unless a computer issue shoots us down and we have to post late!). Since June, 2017 our purpose has been and continues to be to give you hope that Jesus IS in everything, in every circumstance, no matter what!
You may be asking yourself, What IS the BIG News, Church Girl?
No, we’re not expecting. Nor are we adopting again.

Unless, of course, God has a really “funny”
sense of humor and
immaculate conception is still a thing.😳
This Church Girl is really too old
to be having another baby.
(Although I was told by my teen son’s doctor
this week that I look young enough to be his wife.
“The Church Girl Writes” sometimes feels like a third child and The Elder might even argue I spend enough time on her that she seems like an infant needing a bottle and diapers. When I told the kids this, Little B wondered aloud when she became the middle child…but enough of my rambling…
In any God-given endeavor, we try to faithfully obey the Lord in what we have been given and honor Him in any way possible. We believe what Paul writes in Colossians 1:17-18 regarding the Supremacy of Christ:
“He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.” (emphasis mine)
To this end, we are extremely thrilled to announce that “The Church Girl Writes” will officially become “Jesus in Everything” by The Church Girl Writes. We feel it is time to give our tagline, which we have proudly proclaimed since the very beginning, a well-deserved promotion to the primary spot and name of our site.

If you’ve never visited us before now, I urge you to check us out at leighmackenzie.com.
PLEASE SIGN UP for an email subscription while you’re there. That way you can get fresh, spiritually-nutritional Jesus-content delivered directly to you–algorithms notwithstanding! (And, as a bonus, because you are a new subscriber, we’ll also send you a FREE GIFT.)
You’ll notice that we revamped our logo and site. With the incredible talents of uber-creative buddy, Megan K., now if you love a post, you PIN it, SHARE it, Like it, Comment. You can see my IG feed, too. She’s done an outstanding job supporting the vision God has given.
We’re proud to announce it’s a Wild Thing! Guaranteed to make your heart sing and make everything…groovy…
(Although it made mine yodel!)
The content will stay the same but with a few caveats. You might just see some meat-n-potatoes video encouragement in under 4 minutes flat, something to stimulate your spiritual gastric juices for some godly digestion of Truth. We’re looking at a few series featuring Guest Authors and if you pay attention to some of the Photo Credits, you might recognize a few names of students you know…STAY TUNED!
So that’s it. That’s the BIG NEWS. You’re welcome to throw a party and send gifts our way. I’m cool with that. Here’s our little dance party we threw last night after church…why don’t you get up off your duff and shake a leg with us? 😉