Whew. We reached the end. YOU MADE IT! Way to go. Have you learned anything?
Over the past few years, there have been many great lessons God has taught me through following Him into my calling as writer, speaker, and teacher. What an adventure it’s been.
Here are some lessons that have really stood the test of time. I’d like to share them with you right now.

Lessons Learned:
- Write one day, edit ruthlessly on another! Start writing. Write a lot, but edit more.
- Don’t let a blog (or anything other that Jesus!) take over your life. Who cares about the stats? Stop obsessing if people like you or not, if they unsubscribe or never open your emails. Have you done what the Lord has asked of you? He is your Audience of One. Please Him.
- Set aside specific times to write. Organize time for writing. If you have a spouse or kids, write while they’re at work/school, after the family goes to bed, or before they get up. Nothing is as important as family.
- Ask for help from people who have different skills sets than you. What made all the difference to me as a writer/blogger was enlisting friends or acquaintances who know more than I do about tech/grammar (my teenaged son), website and design (my crazy-talented friend Megan Kempf!), and photography (from IG Brian @orphanrunner in Chicago, the multi-talented Kim Harris, and my teen girlfriends).
- Lose your pride. Don’t crumple in a blubbering mess on the kitchen floor because you’re overwhelmed and overloaded with the burden of incompetency for, say, website design. (Not that this EVER happened to me…ahem…) Get over yourself and get the help you need.
- Consider the “P”-word – “PLATFORM.” Find a groove and your unique voice. Look for more of my classes later…
- Develop your clear, concise message. This is your tagline or even your mission. Once this is clear, the lens through which you write will sharpen considerably.
- Discover your platform personality and writing voice. Ask people to describe you in three words. (In the FBLivecast I talked about Journalist* Prophet* Artist* Professor* Star*). Click HERE to watch Jeff Goins teach about this.
Hopefully, this helps you, Budding Blogger! Let me know how I can help you along in your journey. Find me on FB and inbox me on Messenger, follow and DM me on Instagram, or contact me via email.

comfortably wearing pajamas,
Bible and coffee close,
a dog or chicken
upon her lap,
kids and chickens
and husband circling. (But still go on mission trips, too!)” ~Leigh Mackenzie, The Church Girl Writes
“I think every writer needs some bravery and some boldness, and a little bit of unicorn in them to make it. Eighty percent of writing is about persevering.” ~Jacqueline Woodson
If you’ve somehow missed my other posts in this series, be sure to click to read #101, #102, #103, and #104!