This week, I’m like a crow in a field of shiny things. Or a bee in a bouquet of flowers. Or a chicken with a bowl of dried mealworms. (That was one too many metaphors…my darn chickens…)
There are multiple bright, beautiful and protein-rich projects on my platter and I am moving from one to the other constantly right now. My Spirit quietly introspective, I can only think in soundbites and news flashes today as I sit down to write.
There are too many words at times; are there actions to speak more boldly? (James 2:26)
Marching orders, action plans, and “doing” storm and bellow over the still small voice, at times drowning out conscience and the Truth of “being” and “resting” in Christ. (1Kings 19:12)
At our local high school in the first three weeks of school, there are 58 students who have missed three or more days of academics. Who is shepherding this next generation? Who stands in the gap to mentor them into kind, caring, God-loving and Christ-following adults? Am I in fact doing this for the children living inside of the four walls of my own home? (Proverbs 31:8, Proverbs 22:6)
Tune in to news reports–earthquakes, hurricanes, the economy, public policy, school shootings–but tune out God telling us in His Word the days will only get worse in the End Times. Sobering. Jesus told us all along. (Romans 8:22, Matthew 24:25)
How shall I edify and encourage a friend in need? (Ecclesiastes 4:12, Proverbs 27:9)
Why don’t I pray MORE? (Philippians 4:9)

Sometimes the world just needs a little more beauty in it. A little more kindness. A lot more love. That’s Jesus working in and through and in spite of us, knowing it’ll not be much longer, that God is not slow in keeping His promise, but patient, not wanting anyone to perish but come to repentance. (1 Peter 3:9)
There is such ugliness. Too much cruelty. Way too much hate. That’s satan working around and on us, filled with fury knowing his time is short. (Revelation 12:12)
Sometimes I am a chicken. I just want to hide in Jesus. Let me hear You and be willing, O Lord. Let me hear the words from Your prophets and those You have sent to Your people. (Matthew 23:37)
What in the world am I doing for the Kingdom of God? Does it even make a difference? Am I on the right track? (Psalm 105 in its entirety)
We are further from the cool gardens of Eden and closer to the neverending conflagration of Hades. Our souls long and thirst for Heaven. Our earthly bodies beg for redemption along with our Spirit. (Romans 8:23, Psalm 42:2)
When, Lord? When will You come again? Our Spirit aches for Your return. Bring heaven to earth. establish your everlasting covenant of peace. The whole of creation is groaning for You; we are crying out from deep in our bones for You! Even so, Come. Lord Jesus, come. (Revelation 22:20)
“Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” (Revelation 22:12-13)