How To Overcome Your Sins

The Holy Spirit whispers.
If something doesn’t change soon,
the way you are living will quietly, inevitably, kill you.

Those things you thought were no big deal, that after the next one you could quit, you say to yourself, “I need JUST ONE MORE…”

bit of juicy gossip,
stolen dollar,
hit on the pipe,
cut on your arm,
thought about someone not your spouse,
slandering conversation,
hateful word,
pornographic video,
obsessive workout,
damaging comment,
needle in the arm,
greedy decision,
swig from the bottle,
selfish choice,
prescription pill,
one night stand,
worthless purchase,
white lie…


slowly unravels your soul.cristian-newman-364529-unsplash

tiny steps
along the mountain

Precious Ones, it is by grace we have been saved, and that is through faith in Jesus Christ. Stop gratifying the cravings of the sinful nature. Stop the disobedience. Deep down we must know it’s killing us. Stop following those desires and thoughts! Do not go on sinning, that God’s grace has to increase!

Why don’t you care? Why do I so desperately want your freedom and yes, your LIFE, more than you want it for yourself?

Believers, in Christ, we have died to sin! Offer yourself to God, as one who has been brought from death to life. We have the ability to call on the unimaginable power of the Ancient of Days and our great high priest who understands and sympathizes with us in all of our needs and issues.

Approach the throne!
Humble yourself.
Fall on your knees;
hear the angels rejoice
that one sinner repents.
Call on His name
be saved!


Maybe you think this isn’t for you today. It is for me, though. Every day.

Every day Christians struggle against sin and darkness on the battlefield in the heavenlies and our job is to make a stand. Sometimes it’s for one another; sometimes it’s for ourselves.

What are ways will you make a stand today?

If you feel led to do so, please SHARE this message by forwarding the email, pinning, or posting a link across your social networks. Someone you know probably needs to hear this right now.


To read more posts like this: Hold On, Words Matter, Stains&Chains, The Trial, and Untangle.

Text references for this post are from : Ephesians 2:1-10, Romans 6:1-13, Hebrews 4:14-16 Ephesians 6:10-14a. Luke 15:10.sins-1