I was talking to a dear, close friend (one who has walked with the Lord for years) and she confided to me that even when she is in the middle of a huge crowd with people all around her in church, she feels totally cut off and alone. Imagine, in a place where we should feel the greatest fellowship and a Spirit-filled quenching, we are dry and parched in our isolation.
I have felt the exact same way.
On the outside appearing to be everything to everyone, I have been a barren wasteland on the inside, the sand kicking up and swirling across miles and miles of desert. Only an occasional tumbleweed or snake breaks up the blistering scene. When I am consumed by my fears, hurts, or sadness, I tend to isolate, effectively cutting myself off from the help I could have within the Body of believers.
“I am all alone.”

This week in the news were two notable suicides of fashion designer Kate Spade and TV personality chef Anthony Bourdain. They left families, friends, and fans behind in the wake of their choices.
For many people, it’s hard to understand how you can go so low to the point of killing yourself. Not for me.
It’s the battlefield of the mind and soul.

Last week I wrote a dark creative meditation about a little girl called “Don’t Let Go”. (Click HERE to read it.) In this fictional story, I describe a child left alone in a dank cave realizing that there was no one one who could save her from the darkness that surrounds her. She succumbs to hopelessness and helplessness and finally blacks out.
This came as a vivid vision for me. By the end of the piece, “hope” comes for the little girl and His name is Jesus.
I wonder if both Kate and Anthony felt like they were in that cave before they decided on a permanent solution for temporary problems. I pray that they had interacted with believing Christians before their passing and accepted Jesus Christ before the end. I pray for peace for their families and that somehow good comes from these tragic stories.

The irony is that when we “Don’t Let Go” of our fears, hurts, and sadness, and have no hope for our future, we consign ourselves to living in the dark, overcome by isolation and loneliness where the enemy blacks out our lives and relationships physically, emotionally, and spiritually. He holds us captive in our lack of trust in God and our unwillingness to forgive others. He is a thief that seeks to kill, steal, and destroy relationships (John 10:10), primarily our relationship with God.
What is it we are missing? What part of God’s character are we not believing? Who have we not forgiven? What are holding onto?
Beloved, if you struggle here, please read this and let it soak into the depths of your heart and soul:
He will never leave you or forsake you.
He will be your rock and your Protector,
your safe harbor, the place of rest.
Jesus fights for you,
cares for you in your times of need,
and never will throw you away or
leave you no matter what.
He has good plans for your future.
He wants you so badly to find the freedom
His death and blood paid for you
when He forgave you and all mankind,
to set you free from
your fears,
your hurts,
your sadness
What are we holding onto?
Who are we listening to?
Who are we trusting in?
“Follow me. Take my hand and don’t let go.” We’re not alone when we struggle.
Maybe you’re not having a tough time, but there are others around you that are. Would you consider SHAREing this with them? If you know someone who is struggling, would you reach out to them…just ASK if they’re okay? Sometimes that’s all that it takes–knowing someone out there cares.
I believe in getting spiritual, emotional, and medical help quickly when life seems too overwhelming or hopeless. These actions have saved my life in the past.
If you’re in this boat, get help. ( The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Call 1-800-273-8255)
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For more posts on this subject: Don’t Let Go, Broken & Restored, Untangle , Thrift Store Human, The Great Deception, and People Pleaser