What in the world did I just do to my face? I think to myself. It feels like my skin is going to crack and fall off my bones! All for the love of beauty, but it’s vanity – it’s worthless and futile, right, Solomon? But at least we’re gonna get a good laugh…With the floating experience (click HERE!), gourmet popcorn (click HERE!), and a family reunion at Avalanche Ranch in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, this has been The Church Girl Writes month of fun. But you’ll never guess what I did to myself this time in Chicago…
Take a look at these short videos–I promise they’re less than four minutes total!
My kids tell me I look like a feral ghoul from Fallout 4 at this stage, but while the actual “mask time” was a little disturbing, the final result was amazing! HANACURE sucked up so many impurities the first week that by the time I used it the second week, there was just a single whopper of a pimple boiling way under my skin from the depths below. You know the ones? They hurt like crazy and you can’t do anything about them until they’re ready for popping.
When I applied The HANACURE mask again, I was sure to fan my face from the start. It brought up all the junk nicely to the surface and -VOILÀ! – that gargantuan zit was all gone, sucked up and out, when I removed the mask after thirty minutes.

When all was said and done, my face was so soft I couldn’t believe it. If you can afford it, it seems to be a great weekly use product. (But only the likes of someone like Victoria Olsteen can afford an $110/month fix for a facial mask…)
So, why am I doing this month of fun?
Sometimes I take things way too seriously and I become that uptight Church Girl with crossed arms, pursed lips and judge-y attitude…The Dragon Lady. I believe Jesus laughed a lot with his disciples and had a ton of fun while doing his earthly ministry. He never lost focus on the prize or his purpose, but I see his sense of humor as he scooped up a fish to pay taxes, bid children to come to him when the grownups were misbehaving, and threw a legion of argumentative demons into a herd of pigs to destroy all that Gentile breakfast bacon for the next year.
This month is a reminder to ENJOY the LIFE I have been given from the hand of the Lord. It’s a great life, a life blessed beyond expectation, and I am extremely thankful for the people and circumstances that surround me. It’s a beautiful life because of Christ in me and I need to reflect that in all that I say and do.
There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God, for apart from him who can eat or who can have enjoyment? (Ecclesiastes 2:24-25)

(To see all the funny videos of my HANACURE experience, visit my YouTube account at “The Church Girl Writes” or click HERE. And for more silliness from my month of #funXperiences, click facial exercises 1, chicken massage . For other fashion/stylist posts, click HERE, HERE, and HERE.
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