Get To Know Me Again: Reintroducing Leigh Mackenzie – A Journey Through The Rest of the 23rd Psalm

Some days it’s hard to put on a pretty face.
Tears welling up in my eyes make the mascara goopy instead...

How To Find The Blessings After The Battle: Lessons Learned From Being Deleted On Instagram (Part 2)
Here's what I learned:
1. Strong community matters.
2. Expert's practical tips for protecting your...

Have you ever worked hard for years on something and had it stolen or senselessly destroyed overnight?...

Progressing deeper into the quarantine rabbit hole, I have been feeling a little off-kilter and wondering...

Great stories have been written in the midst of tragedies.
War in a Time of Peace.
Love in a Time...

As a series for the Bible study group on Exodus I'm teaching this month, I am writing these posts for...